Digital Assets

Beyond NFTs

In the ever-evolving Web3 landscape, digital assets have quickly turned into reality.

Nun-Fungibles Tokens (NFT) are data files, stored on a blockchain, that cannot be copied, substituted or subdivided and that can be transparently sold or traded. Even though NFTs have gained negative publicity because of speculative investment:

  • Innovative customer experience use cases are on the rise
  • Sports and entertainment are using digital assets for ticketing and gaming
  • Education is using digital assets for certification of diplomas

Digital Wearables

With the rapidly growing number of people entering virtual worlds, a new type of digital assets is emerging: digital wearables.

It is human nature to differentiate or affiliate yourself through what you wear (football jersey, uni hoodies...). This won’t be different in virtual worlds people will enter to work, play and socialize.

  • Monetize digital wearables to generate new sources of revenue
  • Gift digital wearables to increase reach and engagement

Creative Minds

Our creative team, along with our strategists and Web3 developers are pushing the boundaries of digital assets and have been developing unique and innovative solutions for our clients:

  • MO:ME:NT NFTs minted through live triggers as and when a sport event occurs
  • Customizable NFTs sold as memorabilia and for fundraising for various causes
  • Branded digital wearables tradable on our Cheeer marketplace
Our Digital Assets